Monday, 12 August 2019

Sexism and sexual abuse in martial arts

Hello all

I recently had a bad experience. Here's an article I wrote about it for Nick Porter's blog The Way You Practice.

I've had a few enquiries by people who want to share, translate, link to, mention, or otherwise use this article. 

I think this is an important subject, and I very much want people to read and share it. I would like to be credited by the name Violet Revile but, providing that's done, anyone can feel free to use, share, translate or take extracts from the above article as they see fit (please do contact Nick Porter regarding though)

Love, Violet x


  1. Hi, before I make an arbitrary decision I just thought I'd ask if it's ok to share this post? (As you wrote it for someone specific).
    Bob D.

    1. Hello! Sorry for late reply! Yes, that's absolutely fine. I intended it for public consumption. Thank you very much for the interest!

  2. Hi Violet.
    I've just read this article, and I'd like to say thanks. If I'm honest, I like to consider myself very tuned in to the blatant sexism that most of us men fail to perceive. Yet, reading your article has not only helped remind me of how irritatingly condoned it can be. I hope to be teaching a self-defense course for the first time next month, and I will certainly make use in my trainings of the perspective and information you offer. A self-defense course exists to hone your physical and mental skills in case you are confronted with harassment/danger. For it however to be the place where sexual harassment can actually take place sickens me. That's such a breach of trust that students have placee in him. Likewise, it sickens me to think this probably happens more often than I have assumed. I will do my best to inform so as to prevent, and to be involved, should something happen anyway. Again, thanks. ��

    1. Thanks for your kind comment! I'm glad it was helpful!
      Violet x

  3. Also, I forgot to mention the name of my teacher who you can find on youtube. His name is Vince Morris, and our organization is called Kissaki-kai. He -or we- only teach and do karate as real self-defense for the street. This may sounds less interesting if you do kung Fu or Krav Maga, but self-defense is self-defense, so it may be interesting to check out. Don't worry, there's nothing to buy, I just thought you may be interested in checking it out. I, personally, find that a lot of intelligent people who like karate are attracted to it, but maybe I'm just stroking my ego. Take care from Berlin.

  4. HI, Violet, your article was a voice that was missing in MA, and i wanted to share it, im trasnlating tour article in spanish and pst it in my blog (with credits, obviuslU) is tehre any problem in doing so???

    1. Not at all! I apologise for late reply, I've been on holiday.

      Please feel free to translate and use, thank you for your interest.
